Ashli Babbitt was an insurrectionist who signed her own death warrant
She was no martyr and she certainly wasn't a patriot.
Noteworthy: The logo on the shirt of the unidentified woman (L) next to Ashli Babbitt - WWG1WGA - is QAnon’s motto; Where we go one, we go all
Insurrection is defined as an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens.
Martyr is defined as a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs.
Ashli Babbitt was not killed because of her beliefs, but because of the crimes her beliefs led her to commit. If however, MAGA world wants to think of her as a martyr, let them. That’s what terrorists think of the 9/11 hijackers.
She was shot committing a violent crime on federal property and threatening the lives of elected officials by a law enforcement officer sworn to protect those officials.
The facts are indisputable. What did she think was going to happen?
Babbitt served her country for 14 years in the Air Force and we owe her our thanks for that. As for the anti-American act of insurrection that lead to her death, not so much.
She was a patriot until she wasn't. She became radicalized by a movement motivated by an alternative and false world view and a charlatan cult leader adept at putting that sense of victimhood into action for his own purpose.
As a supporter of our military and their families, something into which I've invested a significant chunk of time and money, I'm obliged to recognize that the military, like all organizations is a collection of individuals.
If there's anything that we should all understand, it's that individuals are not perfect. If they were, there would be no Military Police. Or police, for that matter.
Babbitt had achieved the rank of senior airman and worked in security. She served several tours of duty, loved her country and was proud of her service.
Somehow, Babbitt had become radicalized online and deeply invested in the improbable conspiracy theories of QAnon and Donnie Trump's blatant lies about a stolen election.
Babbitt's to do list for Jan. 6 included forcing Vice President Pence and Chief Justice John Roberts to resign and having them arrested for treason.
Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was to be arrested and charged as an accessory to murder and treason, although he was as much an accomplice to Donnie's lies as was his boss, AG Billy Barr.
It was an ambitious plan, but also reveals a complete misunderstanding of, among other things, the crime of treason.
Donnie accused everyone who refused to do his bidding of treason and his followers seem to have embraced that demented concept.
One of Trump's main ploys is to accuse his opponents of his own crimes and this is a prima facie example. If anyone is guilty of treason, it is most certainly Donnie Trump.
As I have before, I encourage anyone who has not read the Mueller Report to read just 50 pages. Trump and his campaign were up to their eyeballs in Russian agents.
Trump's entire foreign policy - if you can call it that - was a clear manifestation of Vladimir Putin's agenda.
Trump's two most scandalous, treasonous acts were overlooked because we were just too weary after years of his antics and corruption.
He defended Russia's all out cyber attack on America's security agencies by saying it was probably China and he turned a blind eye to VLADIMIR PUTIN PAYING AFGHANIS TO KILL AMERICAN SOLDIERS.
How does a 14-year Air Force veteran get past all of that from her Commander in Chief?
Babbitt's information was limited by her source of information. It’s a process of self-selection and voluntary exclusion from reality.
Babbitt's death is a tragedy on many levels, but it was the inevitable destination of the path she chose. The only real question is how it was possible that she was the only one shot that day..
Make no mistake, though, Babbitt is no hero, no patriot. She was killed during the commission of a crime during which she and thousands of others threatened the lives of elected officials.
ALL share responsibility for her death, ESPECIALLY the man who somehow convinced her to violate her oath to defend the Constitution.
Post-Jan 6 investigations have revealed that Babbitt wasn't the only ex-military person in the melee and that's not the worst of it. There were plenty of current law enforcement and active duty military involved, as well.
We can only wonder what percentage of America's police force and military live in bizarro world and to what extent they threaten our society and our lives.
Perhaps it wasn't Mike Pence who deserved to be hung that day. Maybe it should have been the guy at the very heart of what has become a Right wing-sponsored propaganda machine, purveyor of lies and corruptor of souls.
I'm not going to say his name, but it may or may not rhyme with Bupert Burdoch.
TRUTH! NO ONE is above the law, which many Republicans have short memories, and no freaking clue!!!👹👹👹👹🍼🍼🍼🍼