I do believe that this is going to push us to the edge of civil war.

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I'm pretty sure it's already started and the other side is armed to the teeth.

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I think you’re right on both counts and the left is not prepared. They / we is obsessed with pointing out every incidence where the right doesn’t play by the rules… there are no rules to war. They think we’re in a slap fight. I feel like our leadership is doing the same. They are focusing on the wrong subjects. Sorry for ranting…

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Hey, ranting is what we do here and I share your frustration. Sometimes it's hard not to slap some these folks into reality.

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Sorry Bob, but I don’t think voting is really going to g to be effective this time around. I really do believe that “the fix is in”. No matter how many votes Biden wins by, the fascist states will use their newly manufactured state election laws to steal the election, withhold electoral college votes, and force the fascist congress to choose the president. If that doesn’t work, they will have the aforementioned corrupt SCOTUS choose, as they did in 2001.

No, voting won’t work. If our democracy is worth fighting for, you better learn to shoot. I fear that is the direction in which we are heading.

I am not going to roll over for any fascist anywhere, ever.

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Yeah, there's an awful lot of roadblocks to a Biden victory, many of them you already covered. While SCOTUS doesn't actually get a vote, they can do everything they've been doing to put their collective fingers on the scales for Trump and a vote in Congress (House) would guarantee a Trump win. The only upside may be the Senate confirming Harris as VP, although it's not clear if she could vote for herself.

An instructor in a recent CCL renewal class remarked, "You never miss, do you?" The problem will be ferreting out legitimate targets

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